Merriam-Webster defines courage as the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.
An even taller order.
An effective leader must operate at many levels and from many perspectives simultaneously. S/he needs to set direction and describe the big picture in enough detail that others can not only see where the organization is going but how they and their work fit into that picture.
S/he also knows the gap between how things are operating now and how they will need to operate in that new desired state. Once the end result is communicated, the focus turns to the gap - what changes are necessary to move successfully toward the goal. And, what does not change.
It takes creativity and strength to paint the picture; it takes perseverence to weather the questions, the covert and overt resistance along the way.
Listening, assessing, analyzing, describing and reframing are critical communication components. Remembering these skills can be challenging anytime and exacerbated in times of change.
Courageous communication - the courage to:
- think it through
- paint the big picture with just enough detail to be inviting
- describe expectations (goals, work, relationships, results, commitments)
- repeat, reinforce and reiterate what, why, when, how, who
- celebrate wins of all sizes
- listen and consider/encourage feedback, questions, challenges, suggestions
- hold self and others accountable
Next time: Conviction - the belief and confidence side of communication