Sunday, March 14, 2010

Let it Flow, Let it Flow, Let it Flow

Finding Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a fascinating read.  His last name is pronounced 'chick-sent-me-hi' for those who are still looking at that assortment of vowels and consonents in amazement. 

He describes flow as the time 'when a person's skills are fully involved in overcoming a challenge that is just about manageable'...'when high challenges are matched with high skills'. 

It is active, focused and we are absorbed because the task is 'just about manageable', not just a routine. 

We all have examples of when we have been in the zone, totally focused.  It is exhilarating!  While we can't expect, nor would we wish to be there all of the time, these moments are the jewels in our life tapestry. 

They can be daily or weekly activities that are wonderfully engaging or less frequent stellar accomplishments.  

How do we open ourselves to more flow?  Do we recognize and appreciate the zone moments? 

Being totally involved in a work meeting, discovering something new or solving a problem can be examples of flow moments.  Gardening, Yoga, a challenging game of tennis can also provide the optimal intersection of challenge and skill.

How do we get more flow in our lives? 

Possibly by focusing, leveraging and operating with wonder

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