Saturday, April 3, 2010

Point and Click

On a recent visit to New York City, I noticed a very simple act of kindness over and over again.  Families, couples, friends from all nations and backgrounds would gather for pictures.  To ensure that the whole group was in the moment, one of two things would happen.  Someone would come up and offer to take the picture. Or, a member of the group would approach a stranger and ask him or her to take it.

Not a big deal - this happens all of the time. 

However, these strangers bonded in the moment.  No language barriers, no bickering about the other's political beliefs.  Just laughter as everyone posed and the photographer figured out the new camera - often taking another 'insurance shot'.  Then the subjects gathered around see the picture. These encounters ended with smiles, thanks, nods, waves.  Brief, fun, open, joyous.


1 comment:

  1. Lynn,

    Your message is very true. It's amazing how just the slightest of human interaction can start a personal relationship, even if for a fleeting moment. It makes us realize how important conversation is in our daily business and personal lives. Great article!

