Monday, October 19, 2009

A word a month - an experiment in success

I invite you to try an experiment with me for a month or two.

Research shows that if we want to change behavior, we can. That is a positive beginning. Behavior change research further reveals that if we modify our behavior (change our actions) for at least 21 days we can develop a new habit. That sounds reasonable. And, one month seems do-able.

Currently, there is a lot of press on developing your personal brand. Define what you want to be known for and then act in accordance with those key attributes you have chosen.

Later we can talk about gathering feedback: asking others how they'd describe you - what 3 - 4 key words come to mind. Do their words match your desired brand?

However, for now, select 3 - 4 key words are important features of your brand..

When you think about times when you performed at your very best - what attributes or values did you display? Are these a part of your desired brand?

Join me in this test:
My guess-pothesis (obviously, not a scientific undertaking) is that if I select one word to focus on for a month, I will increase my effectiveness. So, please join me in the Word a Month Club.

Here's a plan:
As Stephen Covey would say, "begin with the end in mind". After determining the 3 -4 aspects of your brand, decide
  • Which attribute or value intrigues you, contributes to your succes, defines your desired personal brand, resonates for you today. Choose one.
  • My chosen word is: _______________ (fill in the blank).

Put the word into a positive context:

  • Think about a time when you successfully displayed it. Make it memorable. How did you feel; what were you thinking; how did others respond? See, feel and hear the positives.
  • And, describe it forward - what will this attribute contribute to your future. See yourself in a future moment having exhibited the trait flawlessly.

Focus on the word with positive expectancy and appreciative reflection:

  • Start each day with an affirmation about this attribute. The affirmation is in the present tense (as if it is already accomplished). Examples:. I am well-organized and complete projects with ease. I am an effective leader and encourage my team to contribute to the success of our department.
  • Think about this affirmation at least one time during the day.
  • End each day with a grateful heart. This is what I enjoyed (learned, liked, felt) today about focusing on _____________.

And, repeat for 30 days!

Tomorrow, I begin the process with my chosen word -- for one month. Will you join me? Let's see how it goes...

Next week - a progress report...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Getting Ready - now, there's some energy

Cocooning's focus on self-discovery sets the stage for a very fun and active quadrant in the renewal cycle: Getting Ready.

After the reflection and self-assessment time on the right half of the The Cycle of Renewal, people are ready to spring into action. It is a time of exploring, experimenting, investigating! Thinking of the possibilities to put the vision into practice. The vision may be new, revised, improved, deeper, more aligned. It often results from finding some core themes. People may: network more, take classes, change how they describe themselves, ask more questions. It is a time of energy, eagerness, optimism. A time to bring values, dreams, and passions to the fore.

I'm curious if you can look back and see times when you have visited these quadrants? And, if you can recall the positive impact that the more reflective side (Doldrums and Cocooning) had on a decision?

Or do you know someone who has just emerged from reflection and is eager to talk about what's next - with renewed vigor. Perhaps it is doing something s/he has thought about for a v-e-r-y long time. Or, finding a new way to use skills? Or, finding a new job that fits their values, or allows better balance, or includes a change that is so exciting and energizing (and, perhaps a little daunting) that you can see the enthusiasm? It can be a stretch or a nuance.

This elegant model has such a way of describing our growth, change and cycle!

What quadrant best describes you today?

Source of the Cycle of Renewal:The Cycle of Renewal© model that is central to the teaching of the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara. For more information, see their website: