Cocooning's focus on self-discovery sets the stage for a very fun and active quadrant in the renewal cycle: Getting Ready.
After the reflection and self-assessment time on the right half of the The Cycle of Renewal, people are ready to spring into action. It is a time of exploring, experimenting, investigating! Thinking of the possibilities to put the vision into practice. The vision may be new, revised, improved, deeper, more aligned. It often results from finding some core themes. People may: network more, take classes, change how they describe themselves, ask more questions. It is a time of energy, eagerness, optimism. A time to bring values, dreams, and passions to the fore.
I'm curious if you can look back and see times when you have visited these quadrants? And, if you can recall the positive impact that the more reflective side (Doldrums and Cocooning) had on a decision?
Or do you know someone who has just emerged from reflection and is eager to talk about what's next - with renewed vigor. Perhaps it is doing something s/he has thought about for a v-e-r-y long time. Or, finding a new way to use skills? Or, finding a new job that fits their values, or allows better balance, or includes a change that is so exciting and energizing (and, perhaps a little daunting) that you can see the enthusiasm? It can be a stretch or a nuance.
This elegant model has such a way of describing our growth, change and cycle!
What quadrant best describes you today?
Source of the Cycle of Renewal:The Cycle of Renewal© model that is central to the teaching of the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara. For more information, see their website:
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