Sunday, March 7, 2010

Creating the future - in a word

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there"
- Lewis Carroll

Focusing on what we want makes it much easier to see possibilities and roads to take.  Being fragmented, unclear and too open makes finding the path a lot harder, leads us into cul de sacs and takes us on circuitous journeys.

This year, I have selected one word.  Yes, just one word, to be my focus.  Well, ok, I did turn it into an acronym of sorts because I wanted it to describe my intent.  I wanted the embellishments to make it an appealing process.

The goal of this exercise is to clearly see what we want...what is important...what will bring us joy, or peace of mind, or happiness. To describe what really matters.  Focusing on this word creates our future, compels us to action, helps us see through the clutter and hear clearly amid the roar.

Choosing the word:
Stop, meditate, consider - see what word encompasses the essence of what is most prominent for you THIS year.  This word will trigger your top values, help you make choices and prioritize actions.

Using the word:
It may form the basis for affirmations.  I can be the determining factor in day-to-day decisions.  It helps us stay true to ourselves.  It provides focus.  It evokes calmess.  When we pursue it, we are centered.

This is my word and its amplification: Abundance
When I think about this word, I break it down: ABoldUNifyingDANCE.
That reminds me:
To be bold
To look for what unifies
To dance - figuratively to move with, to have fun
And, if I seek Abundance I will look back on 2010 as a year where I stepped out (boldly), sought to understand, and found new and prosperous endeavors (playfully, joyfully).

What word fulfills and defines you this year?

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