Sunday, April 26, 2009

Putting the Lessons to Work

Is there a silver lining to the layoffs? Will those rehired take their reflections, ups and downs to their new workplace? Will they apply what they have learned during their search to the new job?

If so, is it reasonable to expect that their co-workers, customers, direct reports, families and managers will benefit from their experience?

During the transition job search, they will have looked at their skills, values and passions. They will have updated and expanded their networks. They will have asked for help in their search. They will have assessed their strengths and written examples of their major successes. They will have uncovered doubt, vulnerability and experienced loss, sadness and question. They will have applied for jobs and heard nothing back. They will have answered a wide variety of interview questions. They will have appeared confident while internally questioning their skills. Along the way, they will have been treated graciously or dismissed. They will have joined job clubs, held networking meetings, reconnected with past colleagues, shared contacts and cheered when others found work.

Much has been written about the deterioration or absence of worker engagement over the past years. Is is possible that this can be changed when those who join new organizations take their lessons learned to the new job and treat their colleagues, team, managers, customers and themselves with heightened care?

This could be the silver lining..

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